In copywriting parlance, it’s called “the power of one.” One idea, that is – one big idea supported in each element of your copy. The point of marketing isn’t to make things confusing, but to make it easy to make a decision.

People have to sort through thousands of decisions each day. Brains are tired and overwhelmed – too overwhelmed at least for the top 12 decisions to improve our homes. But if marketers can narrow a prospect’s focus to one idea? Especially one idea that will solve someone’s problem? You’ve increased the chance many times over that they will listen.

Ascend2 released a report that surveyed marketers on what’s important to them in email marketing performance. As marketers picked tactics that were most effective, they put “single-topic email campaigns” at the head of the list. By focusing the subject line, content and call to action on a single topic, marketers are best able to capture the attention of those whose problems they can solve.

For example, let’s say your single-topic email addresses one main problem (how to avoid costly and untimely breakdowns) and presents one main benefit (reliable comfort that pays you back in guaranteed energy savings) and leads to one call to action (call by [month and day] for a big discount). You cut through the clutter to reach those with the problem you can solve, why they need your solution and what they can do to get it.