What Does it Take to Really Make a Change?


It's 2019. Another year older and another year wiser, right? Well, we like to think so anyway. This is the time of year we normally set our minds to do some internal remodeling in the form of New Year's resolutions. Sadly, however, many of us are resolving to do the same things we resolved to do this time last year. Possibly even the year before that as well.

I found an interesting article on Time Magazine’s website which said the overwhelming majority of Americans (78 %) select 1 of the 10 most popular New Year's resolutions. You can probably guess the list of popular resolutions; it’s all the usual suspects. Most of us commit to lose a little weight, or to try to get healthier. Or we'd like to get organized, or work harder at our jobs and earn more. Maybe it’s dropping a bad habit or two that is costing us money and causing us embarrassment.

The fact of the matter is, most of us never follow through with these New Year’s intentions of self-improvement. The article went on to say over a third never even get started on those resolutions, letting them slip away before they’ve even tried. Only 12% of people make it to February still on track.

Let me tell you a secret… there’s nothing magical about January 1st. The only huge change flipping the calendar makes for me is having to remember to write a new year on my checks (something I won’t do correctly on a consistent basis for at least another 2 months). Nothing is stopping us from resolving to do better and improve our lives on any random Tuesday in June, or on October 23rd. But there is something about a new year that makes us think that we can start fresh and leave all our bad and self-destructive tendencies behind us. Procrastination and gluttony are so 2018 after all…

Hang with me for a second. I want you to imagine what the perfect 2019 would look like for you. If everything worked out, all your dreams came true, and people even started using their blinkers. If everything was perfect. What does that look like to you? Sorry, I must now throw imaginary cold water on your imaginary 2019 with a harsh statement; I can tell you with almost complete certainty that whatever you were picturing for your perfect 2019 will NOT come true. You know why I can say that? Because life happens, that’s why.

Life gets in the way and changes even the most concrete plans we make. Your actual 2019 might not live up to what you just imagined, or it could turn out even better. However, unless you’re channeling Miss Cleo and can see into the future, you will get to this point next year and find it funny how far off you were for how you thought this year would turn out. Just remember, even though the only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability, that doesn’t mean we should give up on our goals. Experts agree that it is not life’s bumps that often throw us off the path towards our goals, there are two other reasons most people fail at their resolutions.

Number one is that we have a goal, but never develop a plan on how to get there.  We want to lose weight, but we never join the gym, or truly consider what the positive changes in our eating habits will look like. For example, if your meals continue to come from a drive-through, don’t expect a six pack by swimsuit season. We want to earn more money, but we don’t change anything in our work habits. Getting to work earlier, focusing more, and getting more aggressive with strategies are concrete steps to make you more successful. Hopes and dreams without a plan will not lead to success. So, when a goal has no plan put into action, we slip right back into the same old habits, and all the good things continue to seem to be out of reach.

The second reason we fail is from a lack of accountability. Most people simply don’t do well without some help. Personal trainers, consultants, and coaches have an important place in this world. Their job is to be hard on us and to keep us on track when we want to quit. But those people are professionals that are paid to help us work towards our goals. However, did you know there are others around you who will happily lend you a hand and keep you accountable for free?

I don’t know about you but if I was left to my own devices without anyone to answer to, I’m not sure where I’d be, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be a pretty sight. Now that I’m married there is a reason I don’t live like a bachelor anymore. I’m not okay with a stack of 20 empty pizza boxes in the living room like my college-boy self might have been. My wife holds me accountable even when she doesn’t realize it. My goals to improve my standard of living, or to do well at my job, aren’t just about me anymore. My family needs me to set goals AND to reach them. The family photo on my desk is all the motivation and accountability at work that I need.

To improve your chances of achieving your goals, involve other people and realize that even though success may benefit you the most initially, there are others who benefit too. If you decide to quit smoking, you will feel better and breathe easier, and your loved ones will be happy to have you around longer. You might want to grow your business so that you can take longer vacations, but more business could also improve the standard of living of all your employees as well. If you can’t find the motivation to follow through on your goals for yourself, do it for them.

I’m not sure what your goals are for 2019. I have no weight loss secrets or get-rich-quick schemes, but if you do want to take some steps to make your business more profitable and efficient this year, I can help. Our Hudson, Ink marketing coaches can make a step-by-step plan for your success and provide the accountability you need to stay on track towards achieving your 2019 business goals. We want you to be our next success story. We want your family’s and your employees’ lives to improve because you decided to make a change, make a plan, make yourself accountable, and work towards your goals.

Here’s to 2019! Let’s make it your year!

justin jacobs
Justin Jacobs
Marketing Coach