What’s the Problem with Your Facebook Ad?

What’s the Problem with Your Facebook Ad?

Among the benefits of social media marketing is that you can make modest investments and fine-tune as you go. So, if your ad isn’t performing as you’d like, you don’t have to settle for poor results. You can make adjustments. Areas to review include:

Who’s your target market? Facebook is supremely targetable, but if you have the wrong target, you’ll miss the mark. You can target by location, interests and other demographics, or select custom audiences. By targeting an audience that is largely unfamiliar with you, you’ll market to a cold audience – and in that case you may get a cold response. However, a custom audience made up of people who have liked your page, clicked previous Facebook ads or visited your website, etc. will likely get you a warmer response because they’ve already shown interest in you.

What’s your message? Maybe you are getting in front of your ideal customers but just aren’t delivering the right message at the right time. For example, pitching a hard-hitting sales message to a cold audience may be too fast too soon. If your ad is an introduction to your company, the better choice may be a “get to know us better” message that gives them a way to do so through a free video, report or other easy-to-access lead magnet. When you’re retargeting to a warm audience that has already shown interest, it makes sense to push a stronger sales message.

Where are they going? If someone clicks your ad, make sure your landing page has the “look and feel” of a logical next step. Displaying copy and design on your site that is a continuation of your Facebook ad will let prospects know they’re in the right place. Also, your landing page will give you a chance to educate your customers about your offer before you ask them to buy.