If you are like me, you are still stuck in the mild depression that you didn’t win the lottery, and you are definitely going to have to keep your day job. My dreams of fast cars and caviar have faded, and my normal work hustle has resumed. My thoughts are now turned to growing our business, and getting the “right customer” to make us those lottery millions! Read on to learn how to capture your dream customer!

It’s easy to get in the mindset that “everyone in this industry is struggling….” Sure, you can blame it on the economy, or the weather, or your Uncle Mick. But the honest truth may be that you are having a “lead generation” problem. One of the biggest keys to running a successful business is generating new sales leads. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, but just in case… a lead is someone who has shown interest in the services or products that you provide. Without leads, your business wouldn’t grow, and that just doesn’t work for us.

So the obvious next question is “How do I generate the right leads?” Well, friend, I am glad you asked! Years ago, leads were developed by cold calling or going door to door meeting people. That takes a lot of time, and frankly, people don’t respond well to that kind of marketing anymore. The easiest thing to do is to have a website that doesn’t just act as a placeholder. You want a website that is a tool and works for you. Our PowerSite is just that. They not only capture new leads but they also automatically update your website, social media and email marketing, doing all of the tough work for you. By keeping fresh content across all of your platforms, you are boosting your SEO, putting you ahead of the competition when your customer is searching for the best contractor.

Another great way to generate leads is a topic that I have spoken about in our Coach Cast podcast, YouTube. By creating video content that positions yourself as an expert, you are putting a bookmark in your prospective customer’s mind. They may be looking to you to solve a quick fix on video, but your name will pop up when they run across something they are unable to do themselves. Video content is great because you can use it across all digital platforms. If you aren’t already filming DIY or how-to videos, I highly suggest starting that today. If you aren’t sure where to start, give me a call, and I would be happy to help!

My final suggestion is being smart with your direct mail campaigns. Hudson,Ink offers targeted prospect lists so you can focus on getting your message heard by the right people. These lists can get as specific as targeting specific neighborhoods, incomes, the age of the home, etc. A good example of this is the 15-year average lifetime of an AC unit, we can target homeowners that live in houses 20+ years old.

Stop spending money on customers that will never buy from you! Stop putting all your eggs in the “get rich quick” basket. Do it the right way. Get specific on your lead generation, and capture great customers for life. If you aren’t sure where to start, we have a ton of suggestions and would love to help! Shoot us an email at coaches@hudsonink.com today.